Kicking my illness (which was verified to not be COVID-19) took a little longer than expected. But now I’m back to healthy which means I can finally reopen!
There of course has to be some changes to the practice. To follow the temporary rules put in place by the governor, the office needs to be cleaned between each session. For the time being, this will require an altered session schedule until I work out the new timing required. There as also been a fee increase to account for the extra time and supplies. As always, if you were in a series already, the old price will be honored until you finish the series.
Clients will need to answer the standard health questions relating to COVID-19 before every session. I will have forms for people to fill out, so need to print and bring them with you.
Both myself and every client will be wearing face masks during the entire session as well.
The new policies and questions can be seen here: NSI COVID-19 Policies
Again, thanks for all of your patience during this trying time.
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